Five Benefits of Customised Training

In today’s fast-paced business environment, training employees effectively is crucial. While generic training has its merits, bespoke or customised training often yields better results. For a more in-depth look at the differences between bespoke and off-the-shelf eLearning, see our blog post ‘What is Bespoke eLearning?’. In this post, we explore why customised training is almost always more effective than standard training. We’ll also discuss how SkillSet’s tailored off-the-shelf eLearning solutions can meet your organisation’s unique requirements.

1. Boosting Employee Engagement With Customised Training

Generic training courses often lack context, making it difficult for employees to relate the material to their roles. Imagine a sales team taking a generic eLearning module on customer service. The content might cover broad principles applicable to any industry. However, if the same training was tailored, it could include role-playing exercises relevant to the company’s specific sales process and typical customer interactions. This then makes the training directly applicable to the learners’ day-to-day tasks. Relevance increases engagement and retention rates. Research shows that a quarter of employees are frustrated that their training isn’t relevant to their role [1].

Customised Training
Customised Training

2. Flexibility and Adaptability

Customised training can be adapted to suit the learning styles and paces of different employees. This flexibility ensures that all learners can progress at their own pace, leading to better understanding and retention of information. Off-the-shelf courses often come with a one-size-fits-all approach. This doesn’t satisfy the diverse needs of a workforce.

3. Customised Training Allows for Better Alignment With Business Goals

Tailored training allows companies to align training content with their specific business goals and objectives. This ensures that the skills and knowledge gained match the company’s strategic initiatives. Companies that align their training programmes with business goals have a 40% higher revenue per employee than those that don’t. [2]

Customised Training

4. Improved Return on Investment (ROI)

Fully bespoke training may require a higher initial investment than generic courses, but the long-term benefits often outweigh the costs. Customised training programmes have higher completion rates, better performance outcomes, and lower turnover rates.

At SkillSet, our clients have found that tailored off-the-shelf eLearning is both cost-effective and has a higher completion rate than generic off-the-shelf training courses. One of our customers surveyed over 38,000 learners after they completed our cyber security course. The survey found that 93% of respondents rated it as good or above, with 60% rating it as excellent. Additionally, 94% of learners agreed that their technical skills had improved as a result of taking the course.

5. Can Customised Training Be Implemented Quickly?

SkillSet’s tailored off-the-shelf eLearning combines the convenience of ready-made courses with the flexibility of bespoke material. These courses can be quickly modified to include your organisation’s branding, specific scenarios, and integrated materials. This approach ensures rapid deployment and scalability, making it easy to roll out training across the organisation swiftly.

Customised Training

In Summary…

Customised training offers numerous benefits over generic training. These include:

  • increased relevance,
  • greater flexibility,
  • alignment with business goals,
  • improved ROI, and,
  • rapid deployment.

SkillSet’s tailored off-the-shelf eLearning provides the best of both worlds: the convenience of ready-made courses with the adaptability to ensure the material is relevant and effective for your organisation’s needs.

Get in touch today and one of our experienced consultants will help you to find the right customised training solution for your organisation.