Case Study: Implementation and hosting of a multi-tenant IOMAD Moodle learning management system


  • Delivery of a multi-tenant version of a Moodle LMS
  • Role-based permissions system
  • Custom plugin for uploading assessment data


WorldSkills UK is an independent charity and a partnership across employers, education and governments. Together, they aim to raise standards in technical and vocational education so that more young people get the best start in work and life.

WorldSkills UK provides careers advice and learning resources to inspire young people to reach their potential, whatever their background.


The WorldSkills UK Skills Development Hub was an online learning platform, providing video, pdf, and basic interactive learning support to educators and learners across the UK. 

In 2022, WorldSkills decided to expand the capabilities of the hub. This new platform, the Learning Lab, would enable WorldSkills to interact with participants, monitor their journeys, assess their progress, and provide a more user-friendly experience. Most importantly, it would allow educators to upload and track their students’ progress.

WorldSkills issued an ITT, then selected SkillSet to develop and host this new platform.

Find out more about defining LMS requirements.


WorldSkills UK needed a platform that could be tailored for specific user types, allowing educators and learners to access content relevant to their roles, ensuring an engaging learning experience. Educators needed to be able to upload learners, assign content, and track progress. 

To address these requirements, SkillSet implemented a multi-tenant version of Moodle called IOMAD. We provided customised branding, based on input from WSUK’s design team, creating a unique and visually appealing learning environment. We also created a custom sign-up page that required different information from educators and learners. This was key to meeting compliance requirements.

We established a role-based permissions system, ensuring that users could only access content and features relevant to their roles.

The platform supports a variety of content types, including eLearning modules, videos, H5P interactive material, and face-to-face/webinar bookings. SkillSet also developed a custom plugin to enable educators to upload assessment data. This allows benchmarking of learners against national averages.

Reports were configured to track learner engagement and the activity of both educators and learners. It provides WSUK with valuable insights for continuous improvement and project success.

The platform is hosted in an Amazon Web Services cloud environment, in the UK. This provides excellent resilience and security.

WorldSkills screenshot


In addition to successfully launching the Learning Lab, SkillSet have established a supportive partnership with WorldSkills UK, maintaining flexible and honest communication to continue meeting their needs.

We also continue to add new functionality to the Learning Lab platform, including updates and revamps to the learning content.

You can find out more about WorldSkills UK’s Learning Lab here:


“We have been working with SkillSet for two years, where the team have been dedicated in understanding our product and supporting us to maximise the functionalities of the platform. With this support we are continuously improving the Learning Lab to increase our educator and learner reach.”

Nikoletta Isant, Digital Development Manager, WorldSkills UK
